To reveal each answer, click on the question you need clarification on.

What type of service should I have? 

Can I personalize my funeral service? 

Why have a public viewing? 

Why have an obituary notice? 

What do funeral directors do? 

What should I do if the death occurs in the middle of the night or on the weekend? 

Will someone come right away? 

If a loved one dies out of province, can the local Funeral Home still help?

What should I do if a death occurs while away from home? 

What is the purpose of embalming? 

Is embalming mandatory by law? 

Is cremation a substitute for a funeral? 

Can I have a visitation period and a funeral service if cremation is chosen? 

Why are funerals so expensive? 

Who pays for funerals for the indigent? 

Are there government agencies that help defray final expenses?